25 Orphans Receive Donations

25 selected orphans in the Brunei Muara District received donations and basic necessities in conjunction with the Isra’ Mi’raj celebration and to further enliven the 39th National Day celebration. The ceremony was organised by the Women’s Business Council, WBC Brunei Darussalam. The donations were from the Impian Cahaya Iman Project, Prihatin Project, Kasih Slimimi Association, Saham Akhirat and members of WBC.

The ceremony ran concurrently with the presentation of special learning assistance to Dayang Norizzati binti Matassan, an orphan from the asnaf family handed over by Dayang Faridah binti Haji Mohd Taufik from the Amal Impian Cahaya Iman Project and Dayang Mimi Radzia binti Tamin from the Kasih Slimimi Association. Present was Datin Paduka Hajah Rokiah bin Haji Zakiah, President of Women’s Business Council.

Source: Radio Television Brunei