Adhere To COVID-19 Transition Phase SOP and Guidelines

For physical activities, the Minister of Primary Resources and Tourism reminded event organisers and the public especially visitors and participants to always be cautious and adhere to the COVID-19 Transition Phase SOP and guidelines.

Among the SOP’s and guidelines: Only those with Green and Yellow BruHealth codes are allowed entry; complete the 2 dose vaccination; undergo body temperature checks at the entrance; wear face masks; provide adequate hand sanitisers, and ensure social distancing of 1 point 5 metres. For indoor areas, ensure adequate ventilation and the capacity must not exceed 50 per cent of the capacity or 200 people at a time. The Tourism Development Department will continuously monitor and inspect locations and premises for physical events to ensure compliance with the Ministry of Health’s SOP and guidelines in force. For more information on the Brunei December Festival, visit the website or social media Brunei December Festival 2021.

Source: Radio Television Brunei