Completion of First Intake EmployAbility Programme

A ‘Whole of Nation’ initiative to enhance manpower capability while addressing employability in the country, can be achieved through the Social Investment Flagship Programme, EmployAbility. The participants were feted during the completion of the programme’s first intake. It was held at the Brunei Arts and Handicraft Training Centre, in the capital.

Present was Pengiran Haji Jamra Weira bin Pengiran Haji Petra, Acting Permanent Secretary for Energy at the Department of Energy, Prime Minister’s Office. The first intake comprise eight skilled personnel from Adinin Works and Engineering Sendirian Berhad. Through the programme, the skills and competence of the local workforce can be improved. Brunei LNG in this regard, is partnering with the Manpower Planning and Employment Council, MPEC, Manpower Industry Steering Committee, MISC, Job Centre Brunei, JCB and other stakeholders.

Source: Radio Television Brunei