Efforts to Prevent Risk of Cancer

This year is the second year of World Cancer Day three-year campaign, themed ‘Closing the Care Gap’. The theme focuses on uniting individuals and organisations, advocates and policymakers in calling for changes and taking actions. The event also celebrates the progress that has been made, not only in the field of medicine, but also celebrates small actions that make a significant impact.

According to the Ministry of Health, most cancers can be prevented. Individuals who are overweight, smokers, eat unhealthy foods and taking alcoholic drink, carry a higher risk of developing cancer. Therefore, all the cancer risk factors can be prevented, with some healthy lifestyle measures such as quit smoking; maintain a healthy weight; and taking balanced-diet.

The cooperation of all levels of society including educational institutions, associations, non-governmental organisations such as NGOs and grassroots leaders in the management of cancer patients is important in reducing the effects of cancer.

Source: Radio Television Brunei