Endemic Phase Guidelines – 75% Capacity Limit

The Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports also shared the guidelines for the Early Endemic Phase for museums, exhibition galleries and libraries as well as senior citizens activity centres.

The premises are opened to individuals who have not completed their vaccinations, however they must undergo Antigen Rapid Testing or ART, for which the validity period of each test result is two days. Children under 18 who have not been vaccinated are allowed to use the facilities without undergoing ART Testing, but they must be accompanied with fully vaccinated adult.

For Senior Citizens Activity Centres, all indoor and outdoor activities and programmes are allowed at 75 percent capacity limit or not more than 300 persons, whichever is the lesser number by adhering to control measures include wearing face masks at all time, avoid physical contact AND only packed food and drinks are allowed. Staff and users must be fully vaccinated with Green or Yellow BruHealth codes. Antigen Rapid Testing or ART to be carried out bi-weekly for staff and users.

Source: Radio Television Brunei