Government Offices Open at 75% Capacity

For government offices, Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister of Finance and Economy explained that it is open at 75 per cent of office capacity for offices and government service counters while maintaining their respective Business Continuity Plans, BCP.

The capacity limits includes its personnel and general public. Office hours resume to normal working hours, from 7:45 in the morning to 12:15 in the afternoon and from 1:30 to 4:30 in the afternoon. Individuals who have completed their vaccinations are required to undergo bi-weekly ART testing whereby cost of tests will be borne by the Government.

Government personnel who have not received or completed their vaccinations are allowed to return to work at their respective office with the condition that their work does not involve any direct interaction with the public. However, they are required to undergo ART testing, for which the validity period of the test result is two days. Personnel who have received one vaccine dose or are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons, the ART testing cost will be borne by the Government; and Personnel who are unvaccinated by choice or for personal reasons are to bear the cost of ART testing personally. They need to undergo an ART test and obtain a negative ART test result certificate through a Ministry of Health’s accredited ART Centre, before entering any Government premise.

The public – who wish to visit Government offices or service counters – who have not completed their vaccinations are required to show a negative ART test result certificate, for which the validity period of each ART test is two days.

Source: Radio Television Brunei