‘Ilmseries’ Programme

Youth as a da’wah fighter must understand their life direction as Allah’s servant and caliph. Muslims must take care of their identity in the best of their ability through da’wah, as da’wah invites other towards the good. The matters were touched during Ilmseries Programme organised by Da’ie Youth Volunteer Body with the support of the Islamic Da’wah centre at the Hassanal Bolkiah Arabic Boys Secondary School.

The talk was delivered by Dayang Siti Hurul-Ain Diyana Binti Haji Abdul Majid, an invited speaker. The programme in the form of an open workshop among invited speakers acts as a plateform or medium the da’ie to improve their knowledge and educate the community. Dayang Siti Nur Abidah binti Haji Matnor, Head of the programme stated that the objective is to disseminate da’wah to students and to prepare them in delivering da’wah.

Source: Radio Television Brunei