Inter-University Seminar on Postgraduate Studies 2021

Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University, UNISSA, through the involvement of students and academic staff, plays a vital role in improving research quality through a precise approach that can enhance the culture of competitive and innovative research. This will not only contribute towards the development of research in the country, but also act as reference for other countries. Doctor Haji Azman bin Ahmad, Permanent Secretary for Higher Education at the Ministry of Education stated the matter at the launching of the 6th Inter-University Seminar on Postgraduate Studies 2021 held via online yesterday morning.

Doctor Haji Azman said that the seminar has the potential for cooperation with other IPT in the region that is capable of developing and benefiting from the latest knowledge and technologies. It can also enhance global competitiveness for research at universities through exposure for local students and academic staff to national, regional and international research culture.

Academic and graduates’ collaboration in this seminar has received encouraging responses with 65 working papers presented in 12 parallel sessions.

Source: Radio Television Brunei