Lessons from Isra’ Mi’raj

Muslims are obliged to believe that the Isra’ and Mi’raj is one of Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala’s power and greatness to show Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam’ matters that have wisdom, and make the 5 daily prayer an obligation. This was among the content of the Friday sermon titled Lessons from Isra’ and Mi’raj. The Isra’ and Mi’raj event is a reflection of several important aspects in the people’s life, and has many vital lessons and wisdom. This includes the importance of cleansing or purifying one’s soul through repentance.

Allah commands the Muslim ummah to truly repent, which is the taubat nasuha. If the sin is between the servant and Allah, there are conditions that must be met in order to truly repent. They are abandoning the sin or vice; truly regretting the sins committed, and making a promise as well as a resolve to never repeat the sin again. If the sin between other’s right’s, return the right and apologise to the said person.

Source: Radio Television Brunei