Maintain Personal Hygiene, Wash Hands Frequently and Wear Face-Mask

Regarding the photo that went viral on social media of a woman who was seen lying in the Suri Seri Begawan Hospital area, Kuala Belait, the Minister of Health explained that the woman had come for treatment but had to wait a long time until she faced heat exhaustion. However, after being given treatment, the woman is now in good condition and allowed to return home.

The Ministry of Health advises the public to:

i) Always maintain personal hygiene and wash hands regularly;

ii) Wear face masks at all times, especially when indoors or in a crowded place either inside or outside the building;

iii) Obtain two doses of COVID-19 vaccine injection according to the respective booking schedule. At the same time, the Ministry of Health is working to add vaccination slots and places soon to enable more citizens and residents of Brunei Darussalam get vaccinated safely;

iv) See a doctor and do a SARS-CoV-2 swab test if there are signs of infection such as fever, sore throat, cough, cold, loss of sense of taste or smell and so forth;

v) Do not leave the house, including attending the COVID-19 vaccine injection appointment if you have received a quarantine or isolation order. Anyone with a red and purple BruHealth code is not allowed out of the house at all, except for medical treatment. This is contravening the Infectious Diseases Act Chapter 204. Apart from that, do not allow others to enter the house if you are in quarantine or self-isolation; And…

vi) Do not leave the house unnecessarily. Stay at home and do work-from-home methods to help the Government curb the spread of COVID-19 in the country. Perform physical distancing at all times. Guided by and practising zikir, prayers and religious practices that have been issued by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, as well as adhere to all directives issued by the Government. Insya-Allah, we will all be able to curb the spread of COVID-19 in Brunei Darussalam.

Source: Radio Television Brunei