Munajat Night with New Converts

The mass recitation of Istighfar, reading of Surah Yaasin and supplications held simultaneously were among the contents of the Munajat Night with Mualaf or New Converts. The virtual ceremony was organised by the Islamic Da’wah Centre through the Mualaf Development Section, Mualaf Welfare with the cooperation of the Districts Da’wah Unit.

Among those joining was a Member of the Legislative Council. The ceremony was filled with the mass reading of Sayyidul Istighfar and surah Al-Fatihah, followed by the recitation of surah Yaasin and ‘Doa Memohon Terhindar dari COVID-19’, as well as ‘Doa Peliharakan Sultan dan Negara Brunei Darussalam’.

Source: Radio Television Brunei