Nuzul Al-Quran Celebration

The Nuzul Al-Quran celebration was also held yesterday morning by Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University, UNISSA through the Student Affairs Division. It ran concurrently with the Presentation of Donations to orphans.

Present was Doctor Haji Norarfan bin Haji Zainal, Rector of UNISSA. The ceremony was highlighted with a special tazkirah titled ‘Bertemankan Al-Quran Sepanjang Zaman: Perhatian Al-Quran Terhadap Iktikaf di Bulan Ramadhan’ which among others touched upon the responsibility of a Muslim to take the opportunity at the end of Ramadhan by increasing the acts of worship especially reading Al-Quran. The ceremony coincided with the presentation of donations to 40 orphans and underprivileged students.

Meanwhile, the Institute of Brunei Technical Education Jefri Bolkiah Campus held a talk in conjunction with the Nuzul Al-Quran celebration. The talk titled “Al-Quran Mendidik Hati dan Peribadi”, encourages reading, understanding and practicing the contents of Al-Quran to achieve success and excellence in the world and the hereafter.

Source: Radio Television Brunei