Online Al-Quran Classes, Teachers Becoming More Creative

Since the COVID-19 outbreak on the 7th of August, all schools; education institutions; tuition and music classes as well as classes for those with special needs are closed, and online learning began. The Nadi Quranic Learning Centre and An-naghom Enterprise which are for Al-Quran lessons are not exempted from the closure. However, their first experience during the COVID-19 pandemic last year did not deter both companies from utilising online classes once again.

The students undertaking these Al-Quran classes are from different age groups, from as young as 5 years old up to 75 years old. According to them, online Al-Quran classes have its own challenges such as internet problems, and teachers have to be more creative in diversifying their teaching methods.

Through online Al-Quran classes, students’ performance are at a satisfactory level as they are able to follow online classes and apply their lessons well. In fact, each learning session is recorded and uploaded to Youtube as reference and revision material for the students themselves.

Source: Radio Television Brunei