Parenting Workshop Closing Ceremony

To shape a family institution that is Sakinah, Mawaddah and Warahmah, one needs to understand several matters including knowing the rights of the child to have pious parents as the morals of the child derive from the morals of the parents. Doctor Haji Adanan bin Haji Basar, Ra’es of KUPU SB, shared this in a religious talk during the Closing Ceremony of the Islamic Parenting Skills Workshop. The workshop organised by the Fiqh Al-Usrah Research Centre, Seri Begawan Religious Teachers University College concluded yesterday afternoon at the university college.

90 participants comprising government officers and staff as well as private agencies and individuals took part in the workshop. The workshop is hoped to provide understanding and experience to the participants on parenting theories, especially from the Islamic perspective.

Source: Radio Television Brunei