Reading of Surah Yaasin and ‘Tolak Bala’ Special Doa via Online


In making supplications to Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala so that the country is always protected from the COVID-19 pandemic, An-naghom Enterprise once again held the Reading of Surah Yassin and Tolak Bala Special Doa via online. Such an event was also held last year through ‘Instagram Live’ when the country was first hit with the pandemic.


This year’s event was held via ‘Instagram Live’ to prevent mass gathering and curb the spread of COVID-19. Held nightly, the religious event can be part of an individual’s activity during the stay at home phase. Apart from increasing acts of worship, the activity can foster closer family ties.


Those who are interested can follow the Instagram at ‘An.Naghom’.



Source: Radio Television Brunei