Self-Service Laundry

​Rainy weather provides a source of sustenance to several types of businesses, especially self-service laundry. It follows the increase number of customers who use the service either to wash or dry clothes in a short time. Self-service laundry is one of the modern ways of life that started to gain a foothold over the past few years in the country. It is an option for busy users to do laundry routine at home.


With a self-service laundry, rainy weather is no excuse for not being able to wash or dry clothes. The facility becomes an alternative source for drying clothes every time the rainy season hits.


Although the cost of washing clothes at home and using self-service laundry is almost the same, but due to the rainy season and busyness, self-service laundry has become a better option to avoid dumping wet and damp clothes at home.



Source: Radio Television Brunei