Sunah Rasulullah is the Best Guide for Mankind

The Muslim ummah's love towards Prophet Muhammad Salallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam will be more meaningful if the Prophet's sunnah is practised in the daily life.

The sunnah of Rasulullah Salallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam is the best example and guide for mankind. This includes praying, fasting, and working. By practising the Prophet's sunnah, a person's morals will not only become more noble, their life will also be more blessed.

In family life, it is undeniable that the Sunnah can create a harmonious and peaceful family.

In conjunction with the Maulidur Rasul celebration, let us make changes by practising the Sunnah consistently in our daily life to earn blessings from Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala.

Source: Radio Television Brunei