Virtual Comic Discussion

The virtual Comic Discussion with cartoonists was among the events for the Brunei December Festival 2021. It aimed to gather youth comic enthusiasts to brainstorm and exchange views to be more creative in producing comics in Brunei Darussalam.

According to Dayang Hurul-Ain Nukhbah Binti Rabaha, Language Officer, Language and Literature Bureau, the Comic Discussion is also related to the publication of the Bureau’s ‘Komik Lakak-lakak’ in which a platform is provided to send the cartoonists’ works and published into a comic.

Several local cartoonists shared their journey and involvement in the world of comic’s eventhough a number of them have permanent jobs.

A person who is renowned in the local comic scene is Awang Mohammad Rezuan bin Jamaeh. He ventured into the field of drawing since his schooling years. ‘Zoey Topeng Sakti’ is one of his nine personal comics that has received encouraging response.

The production of comics at this time continues to develop with the involvement of experienced and confident youths. Sharing sessions such as the Comic Discussion is hoped to produce cartoonists who are enthusiastic in a broad publication of comics with a precise target audience.

Source: Radio Television Brunei