
Just do your best every day. “Mind” is relieved after going through the drama of announcing her relationship with “Songkran”.

Nine Entertain, Mind Naphasasi is relieved after going through the drama of announcing her relationship with Songkran, inviting her sweetheart to show off their cute side through content on social media.

Actress Mind Napassasi said she felt extremel…


confirm! “Nai” asks “Taew” to marry her.

Nine Entertain, Cheers! Actress “Taew Natapohn” was proposed to by her boyfriend “Nai Pranai” with high-society man Pok, Nai’s older brother, as witness to their love.

This happy story was posted on Hi So Pok’s story. In addition, Noom Pok also post…


From lovers to legal partners! “Noom-June” didn’t end up easily, arguing heatedly in the comments.

Nine Entertainment From the case of Num Kala suing his wife June Penchulee on behalf of the company, alleging that the wife had embezzled the company’s money for 9 years by transferring the money into a personal account. The total amount is more than…